Image Export

When you export images, you had better not use the following symbols when naming export folders:

If you use Windows system, you had better not use the following symbols when naming a new folder: (\); (/); (:); (*); (?); ("); (<); (>); (|). These symbols have special uses in Windows systems, such as path separation, command parameter indication, etc., so they cannot be used in the naming files.

If you use a MacOS system, there is one symbol that has such a limitation when you create a new folder, and that is (:).

Why my file size would change after being exported from Evoto?

While you edit the image inside the Evoto, the different algorithms used for the feature applied to the image will always change the size of the image because it changes the image pixels. This is the reason why your file size has changed after exporting from Evoto. However, the export quality will not be changed, based on your selection.

Some notes about Quality in Export Settings:

When you export images as JPG or as Default., you can choose the quality in two ways:

  • Limit File Size:

You can set a specific file size for the exported images. But note that if the file does not meet the limit, it will be as close to that value as possible.

  • Percentage:

You can enter a specific number between 1 to 100 to set the Quality Percentage. But note that if you enter a minuscule value, such as 1%, the images will still be exported at a secure percentage to ensure the quality of exported images.

How to keep the images’ original caption/description?

If you want to keep the images’ original caption or description, you can set it in Evoto-->Preferences-->Export-->Image Caption/Description-->Show original info.

I have the image exported, but why is nothing in the designated file?

Please check whether the file disk you saved allows Evoto to "WRITE" the file. Some disks permit Evoto to "READ" the file, but have restrictions on "WRITE" permission. Please make sure that the file you saved opens the permission for Evoto to "WRITE".

Last updated